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· One min read
Anthony Quéré

Selflow is not seen as a project but as a product, that's why ist is meant to evolve.

It is currently a school project, but I have the ambition to make it grow even after.

Objectives for V0

🐱 Selflow Daemon

  • Support for Docker steps

    • Custom image
    • Custom commands
    • Custom shell
    • Share volumes
    • Environment variables in the step definition and not in the commands
    • Commit Step Container as images to use them as base for next steps (POC successfully)
    • Support in visual editor
    • Plugin support (POC successfully)
  • Support for workflow in workflow

    • Create a workflow registry

🌐 Webclient

  • Workflow creation
  • Workflow Execution
  • display Workflow Status in real time
  • Be able to receive the step definition and generate dynamic forms for that step

🕹️ CLI

  • Start and follow run execution
  • Get run status
  • Create Selflow Daemon

❤️ Selflow Core

  • Support for Workflow inputs (POC successfully)