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What is Selflow ?

Selflow Is a Workflow Orchestration Framework designed to be self-hosted.

What is a Workflow ?

A Workflow is composed of a group of steps. Each step executes in its dedicated environment. Steps can depend on other steps if needed so that they can be executed after them. Each step has a state to declare the execution state of a step, for example RUNNING, ERROR or SUCCESS.

In this documentations, workflows are represented like this :

Step 🐈Step 🐕Step 😊SuccessRunningCreated

In this example, we have 3 steps :

  • Step 🐈 as status "Success"
  • Step 🐕 as status "Running"
  • Step 😊 as status "Created"

We also know that Step 😊 depends on the 2 other steps. Since Step 🐕 is not finished, it won't start and stay in a Created state as long has its requirements are not all in a Success state.

A workflow orchestration framework

Selflow itself behaves like a go library. It doesn't even know the existence of Docker and does not communicate with the outside world. It is commonly refers as the Selflow Core. It only handles the workflow execution side.

The power of the tool comes from its ecosystem !