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Set up the project locally


  • Node.js
  • Yarn
  • Go

Depending on what you are doing, you might want to have Docker installed and set up locally.

Setting up the project locally is fairly easy. Start by cloning the repository :

git clone
cd selflow

Now you can install NX dependencies using yarn


If needed, you can also install go dependencies using

go mod download

If you want to change something to the selflow core, you do not have to set up NX on your repository but it will make your life easier

Repository Structure

The Selflow repository is a mono-repository that is meant to manage the majority of the Selflow ecosystem. It allows us to have a global vision of the impact pof any new feature.

For that we are using NX which is an amazing tool !

The main directories are :

├── apps # Applications and e2e tests for those applications
├── libs
│ ├── core # Selflow core-libraries
│ ├── [app-name] # Libraries specifics to [app-name]
│ ├── protos # Protobufs
│ └── ui # Libraries shared by all UI projects
├── docs # Markdown documentation
└── assets # Assets for the main README