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🐋 Docker Steps

Docker steps are used to execute code inside a docker container.


image (Required)

Supports Go Template

Docker image to use as a base.


There is currently a limitation and the user of the image must be a root user, otherwise the commands won't be executed. the image also need to have a shell at /bin/sh

commands (Required)

Supports Go Template

Commands to run on the container. For now, that will always be executed by a shell located at /bin/sh. you can use a multiline string fot that field


The persistence attribute allows step to share files between them using docker volumes. This way, if a file is added or change in a step, it can also be available in another step as long as it is a Docker Step.

The volumes are scoped to a specific run and can't be used in other runs.

timeout: 5m
kind: docker
my-volume: /workdir
image: node:lts
commands: |
echo "Hello!" > /workdir/someFile.txt

kind: docker
- step-a
my-volume: /workdir
image: node:lts
commands: |
cat /workdir/someFile.txt

In this example, step-a and step-bdepends on the same persistence volume called my-volume. In both case, it will be mapped to the /workdir path on the container so if a step add a file in this directory, it will be available for the other step. Using the needs attribute, we specify that step-a will be executed before step-b. After step-a wrote in /workdir/someFile.txt and finished, the file will be available to be read by step-b.

Here, step-b will log Hello!